Welcome to the 22nd Crows Nest Wounded Healer Summer School, where we will be diving deep into the Heart Path and Parts Work from Shamanic, Jungian, and IFS perspectives. This 5-Day Intensive will offer a transformative experience as we explore healing practices and models in a heart-centered integrative approach.
Throughout the workshop, we will delve into the basics of parts work and learn how to apply these teachings in our own healing journeys. The Shamanic Journey will be a powerful tool for caring for our wounded parts, empowering us to take control of our own healing process.
Topics such as Finding Center Through Parts Work, Ancestral Healing, Archetypal De-possession, and Healing the Inner Child will be explored in depth. We will also discuss the importance of embodying our spiritual practice and listening to the needs of our soul to avoid spiritual bypass.
The workshop will be held in a sacred woodland setting, where we will open and close with Fire Ceremony and maintain a Sacred Fire Altar as the focal point of our communal healing space. This event is not just a workshop, but a retreat for the soul, offering a space for contemplation, community, and transformation.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and healing as we explore the depths of our inner world and learn to integrate our wounded parts into a more cohesive and empowered whole. Let us come together in a spirit of empathy and compassion as we walk the Heart Path and explore the transformative power of Parts Work.
Presentation and experiential learnings in this workshop will include:
A psychoshamanic introduction to the basics of Shamanic, Jungian, and IFS parts-work models and terms, and actual experiences in applying the teachings.
Learn how to use the Shamanic Journey to care for and help your own wounded parts. This is a very empowering self-healing and transformative practice that can be done alone, or used between parts work sessions for integrative purposes.
The psychoshamanic framework of the event is both workshop and retreat in a Heart-centered and Earth-honoring context, which opens and closes with Fire Ceremony and chant and maintains the Sacred Fire Altar as the contemplative, communal and ‘La Purga’ healing center, an ‘axis mundi’ for the event in a SW Michigan woodland setting.
Safety First / Disclaimer: This workshop is intended for personal growth and transformation oriented individuals who are not currently undergoing a major life crisis. It is not a substitute for individual psychotherapy, medical, or psychiatric treatment. Parts Work can be a powerful tool for working with past trauma. However, in this workshop we will learn about parts work and have experiences practicing for your own personal growth and healing. The event is intended for the enrichment of shamanic practitioners, psychotherapists, natural healers, life coaches, Jungian analysts, creative artists and poets even, and for those interested in any of these fields. It is not for someone suffering from a severe mood disorder or experience in a high level of crisis or suicidality, nor for someone with a serious medical condition. We simply cannot offer that level of safe containment in a workshop context. If you have questions about any of this, email us so we can consider your situation and make a determination if it is right for you.
Psychoshamanism: Introduction The Evolving Parts Work Tradition:
Shamanic, depth psychological, cognitive and neuroscience perspectives.
Using Fire Ceremony for Centering, La Purga, and Harnessing the Power and Support of Community.
Finding Center Through Parts Work
Ancestral Healing & Legacy Burdens
Archetypal De-possession (Unattached Burdens).
Healing the Split: Embodiment in Parts Work & Spiritual Practice.
Healing the Inner Child to Awaken the Divine Child Archetype
Anima/us: Listening to the Needs of the Soul & Avoiding Spiritual Bypass.
Sacred Trance Dance
When: August 1, 2024, 4pm to August 5 4pm.
Location: Niles, MI (Address will be provided upon registration)
What to bring: Tent, sleeping bag, rain parka, loose clothing, a recorded shamanic drumming file on your cell phone recorder, with ear-phones for shamanic lucid dreaming at night. Bring your drum, rattles, didj, other musical instrument, eye cover (bandana, mindfold). Bring a journal art paper and paints or colored pens or pencils for expressing. And sharing in dyadic and group process.
Meals: Bring an extra $50.00 cash to pitch in for meals. We will plan meals on the first day, and pitch in for groceries, camp-style cooking and cleaning up.
Tuition: $475.00 ($450.00 early-bird price before July 1st).
*Email admin@crowsnestshamanism.com to reserve your space.*

C. Michael Smith, Ph.D. (aka Mikkal) is a practicing clinical, analytical psychologist, and shamanic teacher. He is known for his body of work integrating Jung and Shamanism. He is founder of Crows Nest Centers for Shamanic Studies International (Belgium, France, South Africa, USA) , and has taught at the University of Chicago, Chicago Theological Seminary, Saybrook University, and the Cercle de Sagesse in Paris, France. He has served on doctoral comities at CIIS, Michigan School of Professional Psychology, and in the Pacifica Graduate Institute for more than 20 years, and has taught Jung and Shamanism for the International Association of Analytical Psychology [IAAP] and the Russian Academy of Science(June, 2021), and for the IAAP/Analyst Training Program in Bangalore India (March-April 2022), and for the Instituto Mediterraneo Di Psicologia Archetipa, Sicily-Italy, (May-July 2022), and for CIPA, the Italian Center of Analytical Psychology (Oct. 2022). He will be presenting for the Multidisciplinary Hybrid Psychedelic Council , Amsterdam, Holland June 2-4, 2023. Mikkal has presented for the Shift Network with Robert Moss, and for Sounds True (Shamanism Summit, 2018) and many podcasts worldwide. He is author of PSYCHOTHERAPY AND THE SACRED, (Gradiva Awards accl), 1995) and the classic JUNG AND SHAMANISM IN DIALOGUE: Retrieving the Soul / Retrieving the Sacred (1997, 2007).

Laura Burkett Gutierrez, MA, (she/her) has been in private practice for the past 14 years. She holds a Masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology, is a Level-3 certified practitioner of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, and holds multiple certifications in holistic nutrition, the psychology of eating, and psycho-shamanism (a synthesis of depth psychology and traditional healing). Laura has spent time in South America, Central America, and the American Southwest to study traditional practices in physical and psychological healing. She continues an ongoing apprenticeship in depth psychology and psychoshamanic/psychological healing with clinical and Jungian psychologist and shamanic teacher, C. Michael Smith and has assisted in IFS therapy trainings. You can read more about Laura’s work at lauraburkett.com and realfoodwellness.com

Aion Farvahar is a Life and Spirituality Mentor, and a Certified IFS and Psychoshamanic Practitioner who has collaborated with Mikkal and is an active member of the Crows Nest Community. His mentoring work is focused on Self-Awareness, Life Purpose, and Spiritual Awakening. He has a YouTube channel (“Celestial Twin Life Mentorship”) and posts content related to the Internal Family Systems model [IFS], Psychoshamanism, and Spiritual Awakening practices. For more information about Aion and his life-mentoring practice, check out his website celestial twin.com

Jamila Blue is an Astrologer & Transformation Coach, helping individuals Elevate their Essence by connecting to the Divine through Play. Jamila is also the Crows Nest Center for Shamanic Studies and event Registrar. She will be offering Ecstatic Sacred Dance Sessions around the Sacred Fire again at this year’s event. Check out her website: www.jamilablue.com

Drew Lodder and Dr. Natalie Kilheeney are thrilled to welcome you as hosts and share their sacred space as the Event Center (Ull~Cran) hosts.
Drew Lodder is the caretaker and owner of Ull~Crann, a historic former farm, in Niles, Michigan. Drew is an active member of the Circle of Elders for the Crows Nest Center Center for Shamanic Studies, holding various roles such as firekeeper, sweat lodge leader, and Vision Quest sponsor. Drew is also an Ovate in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. In addition to his responsibilities as host, Drew will provide additional Journeywork drumming sessions in the evening.
Dr. Natalie Kilheeney is an expert and leader in the field of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Natalie holds a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Science, and a Master’s Degree from YoSan University, is a Licensed Acupuncturist, a board-certified herbalist, and a Qigong teacher. Dr. Kilheeney is also the President and CEO of Beyond Zen Studio an Integrative Wellness Center. Learn more about their offerings on their website at www.beyondzenstudio.com