1185900_615816948470462_302412923_nDecember 29, 6pm – 12pm January 1, 2014 Tuition: $180
Registration Deadline: 12/15/13

Event Cancelled

Purpose: The purpose of this mini-retreat is to clarify your central Mission for the coming year, and shape the year, all four seasons of 2014 into a plan for advancing and delivering your sacred purpose within the scope of the coming year. Through solitude and inward inquiry, through use of the shamanic journey method and shamanic counseling skills such as the heart’s Navigational System [NGS] and the Four Acts of Power, each of us will clarify or refresh our sense of our own essence and life-purpose, and look into the future to see how this wants to be lived in the coming year. We will journey into the future to explore its shape, and use nature-based heart-psychological principles, journaling, journeywork, group process, and artistic talisman making. The purpose of the talisman-making is to craft an image for our altars, or desks, or dash boards that helps us to maintain focus and keep-on track as we move through the cycles and seasonal changes of the year. Group process will lend opportunities for sharing and feedback as desired. We will celebrate the coming in of the New Year with Sacred fire Ceremony, and close our retreat at Noon on New Years Day.


Workshop Tuition $180.00.
We are intentionally lowering the cost for this retreat at this time of the year, and ask that we each chip in on food costs and preparation to keep the cost for this event low. Bring warm clothes and boots, and sleeping bags, and your journals, art paper, and any art supplies you may require for making your talisman. Bring drums, rattles, eye cover, and regalia for special shamanic journeys.
For a full listing of Mikkal’s workshops, please visit Mikkal’s Workshop page