Shamanic Counseling and Sacred Breathwork Training

SHAMANIC COUNSELING & SACRED BREATHWORK™ TRAINING, with Mikkal, Crows Nest Center for Shamanic Studies Fall 2012 to August 2013 USA Schedule:

Sacred Breathwork Training & Shamanic Counseling Skills. This is a good entry point for those interested in learning Shamanic Counseling Skills and / or Sacred Breathwork ™ training. Both tracks can lead to Crows Nest Certification if you are interested.

Those in the second year of the Sacred Breathwork Certification program will devote some workshops to facilitating and co-facilitating experience under Mikkal’s supervision.

Thus this second year of the program will this serve as a first year for new people entering. New students will receive a reading list that introduces, supports and elaborates, the topics and themes of each workshop. (See Sacred Breathwork Training Requirements for this bibliographic list)

The shamanic counseling training supports the sacred breathwork and vice versa as both focus on the client or journeyer becoming their own shaman, awakening their own shamanic powers within, and using their own hearts as an internal guidance system. All Crows Nest practices follow this philosophy of finding your own guidance and healing sources within as an integral part of hollow bone shamanic practice. Our events are supported by rich earth-honoring ceremonies and loving community, and these are is an integral component of each workshop.

The Shamanic Counseling philosophy, and experiential techniques as articulated and developed for wide spread use by Mikkal, have deep roots in the medicine traditions of the Americas, North, Central, and South, and have been bridged with the modern world resources of Jungian psychology, and facilitating working with a bodily felt-sense, known as “Focusing.” The result is a highly useful and accessible indigenous American heart psychology model that has been repeatedly confirmed in the Americas by indigenous elders, and has been shown to be very powerful in bringing healing and personal transformation in Crows Nest workshops and communities to people in modern societies, worldwide.

October 5-7, 2012: THE HEART PSYCHOLOGY AND MECHANISM IN HEALING IN SHAMANIC COUNSELING AND SACRED BREATHWORK. We experientially explore the heart, using a variety of inward exploration and listening skills and core questions. The role of dyadic partnerships and the components of the Facilitator as ritual elder are explored. The shamanic counseling, dyad model will be used by participants to integrate the deep material from sacred breathwork sessions. All Crows Nest practice involve the indigenous American philosophy of “Corazon cura Corazon,” (heart-heals heart) so real heart-to-heart relationship are integral to everything we teach and do. Cost: $275.00 (Tuition)

NOVEMBER 9-11, 2012: FINDING YOUR CORE AND DETERMINING WHAT IS IN THE WAY. Shamanic Counseling and Sacred Breathwork both aim at direct experiential deep self exploration, and at helping you find your own vision and destiny from within. Through a set of key questions, you learn how to inwardly inquire with your heart and finding your essential nature, clarifying your vision of it, and then determining what is in the way of this, so you may have more intention in removing those limiting forces that are in the way. Often these are rooted in past trauma and conditioning. Sacred Breathwork is a powerful modality for increasing your vision and removing the patterns that are in your way. Both methods focus on your true Self, and removing what does not fit. Both are essentially methods of soul recovery and removing (or transforming) what does not fit. Cost: $275.00n (Tuition)

FEBRUARY 1-3, 2013 WORKING WITH COEX SYSTEMS IN SACRED BREATHWORK AND SHAMANIC COUNSELING. A COEX system is a pattern based in past trauma, a theme that tends to be stubborn and replicated itself over time…leading to stubborn problems that are resistant to most therapies. C.G. Jung called them “complexes” the “little devils” that continue to plague us, possess us, that thwart our best intentions. Stanislav Grof’s  major contribution to depth psychology was to notice these complexes are patterns that evolve and increase overtime, often originating in birth trauma, or “pre-biographical” experience. How sacred breath helps spontaneously dissolve and reduce these patterns, and how shamanic counseling can do so using a protocol of felt-sense focusing and core questions to track and dissolve the biographical extensions of a COEX will be taught and experientially learned in dyads. They method developed by Mikkal for shamanic counseling is called JFH/gz. Cost: $275 (Tuition)

MARCH 29-31, 2013 WORKING WITH SACRED BREATHWORK CONTENT, SPIRITUAL EMERGENCIES USING  SHAMANIC COUNSELING SKILLS. We will use the shamanic counseling principles and skills learned thus far, and explore how they can really facilitate helping individuals with the results of their sacred breathwork journeys to integrate the material, as well as help those with spiritual emergencies work with and integrate their material. Spiritual emergencies are not psychiatric or medical disorders, but are often confused with them. Examples are psychic awakening, Kundalini crises, UFO experiences, and difficulties integrating a ayahuasca experience. We will explore how, specifically to assist these individuals. Cost: $275

MAY 17-19, 2013 INTEGRATION: This workshop will review all components of the system and will specifically address how to bring it all together. Using the model of Central American Curanderismo, we will explore how to integrate your various shamanic services and skills, journey work,  and ceremonies (e.g. sweat lodge, vision questing, soul recovery, sacred breathwork) with your shamanic counseling practice. We will also review the structure of ritual leadership and process, the selection of music for those who will be certified in sacred breathwork. The aim here is to assist you in solidly packaging and promoting your professional practice. Cost : $275.00 (Tuition)

JULY 18th- Aug 2nd 2013   Iquitos, Peru: INTENSIVE RETREAT ON JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY AND AMAZONIAN SHAMANISM. Mikkal and Crows Nest International is teaming up with Alan Shoemaker and Raul Diego Nelson Fauch. The package will be adjustable but involves several components. 1) Working with Mikkal in Iquitos, Peru to understanding and use the indigenous and Jungian principles of shamanic counseling for working with and helping to integrate the results of use of Master Plants such as Ayahuasca and San Pedro. 2) It is recommended that you attend the 9th International Conference on Amazonia Shamanism, to learn about plant medicine, connect with a variety of indigenous and mestizo Ayahuasqeros, and, 3) add a tour of Maccu Picchu component if you wish. 4) After the conference there will be another component for processing the plant medicine experiences, 5) preceded or followed by Plant Medicine work with Raul Diego Nelson Fauch and his wife Inger, in their Amazonian retreat  center, The Sacred Temple, in Terapoto, Peru. This event may have special appeal to those in Crows Nest training programs, as well as graduate and doctoral students in psychology, transpersonal psychology, who are doing research and dissertations in master plant medicines. It is possible that Mikkal can be added to your dissertation committee as an adviser, external reader, etc. For more information and registration information, see event page

AUGUST 15th-20th, 2013 6-DAY INTENSIVE RETREAT IN SACRED BREATHWORK ™ AND SHAMANIC COUNSELING. August Intensive on Shamanism and Sacred Breathwork Thursday August 15th, 6pm, through Tuesday August, 20th, 6pm.
You are invited to join us for a five day intensive Sacred Breathwork and Shamanism, in the beauty and serenity of Crows Nest, nestled in the Southwestern woodlands around Dowagiac, Michigan.
The event will feature Sacred Breathwork ™ a powerful initiatory and healing ceremony drawing on shamanic rites of initiation, sacred music and pneumo-cathartic breathwork. Sacred Breathwork is a form of journeying, involving intense holotropic states of consciousness, into nonordinary reality (Dreamtime). The deep psyche becomes activated and spontaneous movement toward healing and insight occurs. One may find oneself exploring several of the many realms of the spectrum of consciousness. This event is required for those in training to be certified, but is open to those interested in shamanism generally. Other ceremonies will include sacred fire, purification lodge, story telling, shamanic journeying, a drum making workshop, and a couple of break out sessions. Great and supportive community, partnership dyads for processing the journeys and artwork, and group process to facilitate integration are provided. Those in training will assist in facilitating and co-facilitating the 6-Day event, in partnership with Mikkal.
Special discussions and review on the theory and aspects of sacred breathwork, training in focused body work, and review of the music selection and sequencing in rites of initiation structure will be a focus for the trainees. However those topics may be of interest to non-trainees as well.
BEGIN TIME: We will begin at 6pm on Thursday, August 15th 6PM. With getting acquainted, orientation for the intensive, and opening ceremony.
Two major sacred breathwork ceremonies will be held each day on Friday 16th, Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th, Monday the 19th, Tuesday 20th will tie it all together in dyad and group process, and closing ceremony.
Most people bring a tent and sleeping bag at the many Crows Nest campsites in the forest and gardens. However, there are area hotels, if that is preferred.
You will also need to bring flash light, insect replant, journal and pen. Art materials will be provided.
Costs: The Costs for the 6-Day intensive event is $550.00 (food not included)
Some individuals will come in just for breathwork for a day or two and the cost is pro-rated for them to do breathwork. Camping here is free.
On Sunday afternoon 2pm—5:30pm, there will be a 2 ½ hour Drum Making Workshop with Lori Engblom. The additional cost of that is $125.00 for materials (hoop and hide).
Meals: We chip in on breakfast foods, such as cereals and breads and fruit, lunch is on our own each day, and we pitch-in on a community dinner in the evening, structured before and after the sacred breathwork sessions. This meal usually has vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. We decide the menu as a community.
Location: Crows Nest Center for Shamanic Studies, Dowagiac, Michigan 49120 
Flights booked to South Bend Regional Air Port, about 40 minutes from Crows Nest. We will arrange to shuttle you. Register Here