You really should come to the Wounded Healer School.

Because it is about igniting the fire of your deepest Self within your local self.

Its about exploring and reclaiming all that you are.


Here we access enter and download the shaman archetype a complex, holographic archive of unlimited possibilities, of alternate selves, of nonphysical guides and teachers. You will learn things you probably didn’t learn in public schools, such as Who you really are, What you really want, what you can be, and in the future will become. How to put your local self in service of your deepest Self,—how to create your future, how to step into your power to be of co-creative service in a way that crowns your life with fulfillment and joy. How to self-assess, find your problematic obstacles and dissolve them with a consciousness alternate to the one which created the obstacle or problem. How to spontaneously self-heal and how to be a hollow bone channel for others. All this happens with the support of community, amidst chanting and healing tears, dancing, joy and laughter.


Your experience and knowledge will not be divorced from modern culture and its fruit. You will experience, learn and reap the knowledge and wisdom acquired through depth psychology, medical anthropology, mythology and rites of initiation, through evolutionary history and recent neuroscience findings. A holistic and transpersonal system that will help you get cooking on more burners. You will learn not simply to consumer culture, but co-create it, evolve it in needed directions.


You know why you need to come??

Because you are very much needed in the world, and we are giving each other some tremendous resources and much supportive love that is needed for what is coming, for our time.


What is Wounded Healer School??

From the most ancient times, human potentiality has been tapped by the self actualizing, creative genius the shamans, to address the needs for guidance, and for healing in times of change, crisis, uncertainty, breakdown and the need for breakthrough. you can learn how the pieces falling apart are a creative revolution, able to become the pieces falling into place around a richer axis.


We all have the multiplex potentiality of shamans within us. Collectively I call this the “Shaman Within.” What is needed in this time is to ignite it,- wake that potentiality up,- to activate and orchestrate it so that we can each and together shape-shift our world in heart-open and earth-honoring ways. That’s what Wounded Healer School is about.


Wounded Healer School is an initiation where you receive skills to find your vision, assess where you are with it and given tools to remove obstacles, along with the tools, ways and means to shine the light of your flame in the world. Crows Nest sponsors Wounded Healer Schools seasonally in USA, France, and Belgium, and is beginning inS. Africa. You can learn more on our workshops page on this website.


My deeper field has been to study the psycho-spiritual genius of shamanism, which is itself a goldmine of human potentiality, of how to alter states of consciousness, to tap our unlimited wealth of potentiality which yearns to come on line, to access and download our many  alternate selves –each with their specific resources,  and to learn skillful methods of personal and social transformation.
Crows Nest Wounded Healer Schools are about so many things.
They are about developing a spiritual path that fits you and really works, blessing your life with your wealth of potentiality, and enriching the world.


At Wounded Healer School we learn to Awaken the Shaman Within each of us, to systematically explore its wealth of potentiality, to activate and express its potentialities, to dissolve the obstacles and creatively respond to the challenges of life at this time, so you can go out and make a difference.


Come to the Wounded Healer School! The world needs you!