NOVEMBER 9-11, 2012: FINDING YOUR CORE AND DETERMINING WHAT IS IN THE WAY. Shamanic Counseling and Sacred Breathwork both aim at direct experiential deep self exploration, and at helping you find your own vision and destiny from within. Through a set of key questions, you learn how to inwardly inquire with your heart and finding your essential nature, clarifying your vision of it, and then determining what is in the way of this, so you may have more intention in removing those limiting forces that are in the way. Often these are rooted in past trauma and conditioning. Sacred Breathwork is a powerful modality for increasing your vision and removing the patterns that are in your way. Both methods focus on your true Self, and removing what does not fit. Both are essentially methods of soul recovery and removing (or transforming) what does not fit. Cost: $275.00 (Tuition) Register Here