Shaman Festival FlyerJoin us in becoming Artists of the Spirit with a transformative week-end of ceremonies, journey work, sacred breath work, sacred dance, fire ceremonies, water blessings, sound journeys, entity removal, plenty drumming, sweat lodges, trading of shamanic goods, movies, sharing meals, heart space, community, excellent coffee and sharing of spiritual understanding 22th, 23th 24th Feb 2013.

A magical time of beginning and becoming.

Welcome folks. In 2010, sitting in the hills of St. Tropez, Mikkal and Lyn began talking about a gathering of Shamans in South Africa. They envisaged sharing the wisdom of the Crows Nest community with medicine people in SA. We all want to learn more and share our teachings and understanding of the Shaman’s way of embodying the“Artistry of the Spirit”. It is time for the ancient and raw energy on the southern tip of Africa to speak. This is our 2nd Festival of Shamans. We had such fun at the last one, so many people found new, deeply spiritual spaces, cleared out old and dark places, changed patterns, danced and enjoyed themselves that WE ARE DOING IT AGAIN!

Your entrance fee will give you entry into any of the Crow’s Nest workshops and ceremonies that will be taking place throughout the weekend. Some local facilitators may ask for donations. Please go to the registration page for details of price. We recommend that you come for the full weekend.

There will also be a Shaman Village for traders to sell their wares. If you have any teachings, workshops or shaman goods to sell, please contact us, we would love you to share your wears and inspiration. If you would like to assist us by doing some work, please let us know.
