This is the first session of Mikkal’s next two year cycle: SHAMANIC DREAMING: DREAMTIME AND CARE OF SOUL FOR SHAMANIC COUNSELORS
October 4-6th, 2013: Shamanism, Jung, and the Dreaming Field
Registration Deadline: Sept 27th
People often ask me “What is the common ground of Jung and Shamanism. I usually respond, dreams and the intentional use of the Dreaming Field, and the heart which speaks the language of dreaming fluently. Soul loss and soul recovery arise out of the fertile soil. The new Crows Nest International shamanic educational series is inspired ancient shamanic wisdom, and contemporary dream-shamanism by C.G. Jung, especially what we can learn from his own soul loss and recovery through his shamanic journeys into the Dreaming Field.
We will give an overview of the Dreamscapes and methods to be explored, and plunge into the Dreamtime with some new tools, including establishing your departure and return stations for shamanic dreaming, and establishing and exploring some Dream Gates. Shamanic Counseling Dyads will employ dream work tools. The workshop involves sacred ceremony and rich community in the wild landscapes of the Crows Nest Forest. Sacred Fire and Purification Ceremony, on Friday night (6pm) and Saturday morning (10am), and Sacred Breathwork™ on Saturday evening (7pm) and Sunday morning (9:30 AM), followed by group process and art-sharing. Closing Circle Sunday 5pm.
What to bring: Bring some art paper or sketch pad, or collage materials for your Red Book Making, and perhaps some paints and brushes, or glue. Bring eye cover, dream journal and pen (colors are nice), and sleeping bag and pillow.