
This workshop is both an entry-point for new people, and a continuation of our two-years series on shamanic dream work. This year we will apply shamanic counseling skills to working with our dreaming. It is an opportunity to learn shamanic counseling for work with clients, as well as enrich your own shamanic dream-work and that of your clients.


We will review the Seven Basic Shamanic Principles, and the foundational teachings on the heart and the Quechua three-soul matrix. We will learn to work with the felt-sense and the heart’s navigational system to open up and better understanding our dreaming, which the Body-soul and Higher Soul want from the Ego-soul.


We will learn about dream-cruxes, thick words, and using felt-sense and NGS how to open up any dreaming, be it a sleep dream, active dream or shamanic journey. We will learn experientially in dyadic and group process, where we will apply the shamanic counseling skill-sets taught in the workshop.


As always, Crows Nest workshops offer a variety of sacred ceremonies, including sacred fire and story telling, beautiful chanting and drumming, the powerfully healing and transformative Sacred Breathwork ,™ and in a context of rich community life.


This workshop and succeeding workshops in 2014-2015 will increase your shamanic counseling skill-sets for your client work, for interpersonal relationship, and give you elegant problem solving methodology.


Where: Crows Nest Center for Shamanic Studies, Dowagiac, MI 49047  Tel: (269) 262-1919.


When: We begin at 6pm on Friday night, September and close on Sunday at 5pm. Bring your tent and camp out in one of our forest campsites, or roll a sleeping bag in the Medicine Lodge or House. Arrive early to set up so we may open with our Fire Ceremony at 6:pm.


What to bring: Bring some art paper or sketch pad, or collage materials for your Red Book-Making, and perhaps some paints and brushes, or glue. Bring eye cover, dream journal and pen (colors are nice), and sleeping bag and pillow. You will also be contacted to bring something to share for our community meals.


Preparation:Helpful Readings: Chapter 4 in my book, “Jung and Shamanism in Dialogue” provides classic info on what we will be exploring with felt-sense and NGS of the heart, and “inner axis mundi.” It is a good idea to get the book by Eugene T. Gendlin, Focusing, or CD or download the audiobook, so you have some familiarity with focusing on a felt sense. I also recommend Gendlin’s “Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams.” Also, the work of Robert Moss is especially rich in creative approaches to dreaming with a strong shamanic perspective, see his, “Dream Gates” (Sounds True Audio Book).