by Mikkal | Oct 17, 2013 | Mikkal's Blog, Newsletter
Nature is an incomparable guide if you know how to follow her. She is like the needle of a compass pointing to the north… -C. G. Jung We can enter into the secrets of Mother Nature [Pachamama], and we can be sons and daughters, apprentices to the Wisdom...
by Mikkal | Oct 14, 2013 | Mikkal's Blog
This is the second session of Mikkal’s next two year cycle: SHAMANIC DREAMING: DREAMTIME AND CARE OF SOUL FOR SHAMANIC COUNSELORS November 8th – 10th, 2013: Shamanic Dreaming II: Departure and Return from Dreamtime, and Intentional Dream Re-entry Cost: $275 ...
by Mikkal | Sep 13, 2013 | Mikkal's Blog, Newsletter
“It is in dreams that the pure sacred life is entered, and direct relations with the gods, spirits and ancestral souls are re-established. It is always in dreams that historical time is abolished, and the mythical time is regained.” -Mircea Eliade, Shamanism: Archaic...
by Mikkal | Aug 28, 2013 | Mikkal's Blog
This is the first session of Mikkal’s next two year cycle: SHAMANIC DREAMING: DREAMTIME AND CARE OF SOUL FOR SHAMANIC COUNSELORS October 4-6th, 2013: Shamanism, Jung, and the Dreaming Field Cost: $275 Registration Deadline: Sept 27th People often ask me “What...
by Mikkal | Jul 21, 2013 | Mikkal's Blog
Lori Engblom, Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner, will lead you thru the process of making your own hoop drum. These drums are 16 inches and made in the Native American style. Insert your own palm sized talisman (crystal, stone or other) into the raw hide pouch which...
by Mikkal | Jun 4, 2013 | Mikkal's Blog
August Intensive on Shamanism and Sacred Breathwork Thursday August 15th 6pm, through Tuesday August 20th, 6pm. You are invited to join us for a six day intensive Sacred Breathwork and Shamanism, in the beauty and serenity of Crows Nest, nestled in the Southwestern...